Episode 59: What’s it like to Study Abroad?
Clara is pictured second from the left at the 2016 LSE Annual Cumberland Lodge Conference in Windsor
In this episode, Luz chats with fellow first generation college students about what their experience was like to study abroad during college and grad school and what that entails. We chat about feeling homesick, learning so much more than what you imagined, and the different options students have to receive an abroad education.
In this episode you will hear from:
College graduate and current study abroad advisor Yahaira who studied abroad for a semester in France during college answers some common questions students have when first thinking about the possibility of studying abroad. She shares her own experience having studied abroad and worked abroad after graduating along with some of the benefits and challenges faced when being in a completely new country.
College and graduate school graduate Clara who did short abroad experiences during college but then completed her masters completely abroad explores some of the different avenues students can take to get an exposure to an abroad education. She highlights how transformative a study abroad experience can be and how her experiences shaped her college and post-college journey.
Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Fulbright Summer Institute Program: https://www.fulbright.org.uk/going-to-the-uk/uk-summer-institutes
Rice University Study Abroad: https://abroad.rice.edu/
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