Episode 94: Finding Your Purpose to Live More Authentically

In this episode, Luz chats with Angela about what her journey has been like in finding a career that is in line with her values and allows her to live authentically. As first gens many of us may often feel pressured to be certain versions of ourselves that others expect and that disconnect can sometimes lead to feeling of unfulfillment. Finding your purpose can mean something different for each individual. 

In this episode you will hear from: 

  • Angela who after college began her career in consulting soon realized that she didn’t feel fulfilled by the role so left in search of something that better aligned with her values. Along the way she tried out various jobs and realized that she had to look inward to truly find her purpose to align herself with a career that allowed her to live authentically. She made her way to starting her own business coaching others to find their purpose. She draws on her own life experience to help people that may be feeling stuck or feel like they don’t know what they want to do next by leading them through discovering the obstacles holding them back and ways to take a step forward. 

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Episode 93: Law School - Is it worth it?