Episode 102: Setting Yourself up Financially

In this episode, Luz chats with Maria about how and why she became interested in financial literacy and how her relationship with money has changed along the way. As first gens and/or immigrants many of us may not always have the most solid financial education and know-how to make sure we are setting ourselves up for a healthy financial future so it’s key to take a step back and make sure we evaluate where we are in our financial journeys and where to go from there. 

In this episode you will hear from: 

  • Maria, a first generation college student and immigrant, who shares some of the financial lessons she’s learned along the way and how she uses her platform FirstGenLiving to educate others about financial literacy. She provides some key tips to get fellow first gens started with their financial journeys and breaks down some concepts such as credit cards, retirement accounts, and investing. 

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

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Episode 103: Transitioning Skills & Experiences from Student Involvement into the Workplace


Episode 101: Should I go back to school to complete my degree?