Episode 99: Adnan Karim - Host Intro

We are excited to introduce our newest co-host, Adnan. In this episode, he will introduce himself and talk about his journey and a valuable life lesson he learned while graduating!

Adnan Karim - Host Intro

Adnan is one of our new season 3 hosts! He is a first generation student from the Houston area and graduated from the University of Houston in 2017. Adnan talks about his journey becoming a young professional and the importance of recognizing all the people that helped him along his journey.

Adnan has a degree in Chemical Engineering from UH and is the first person in his family to graduate as an engineer here in the United States. He is excited about hosting and being able to tell the stories of students much like himself.

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Email: Howtocollegefirstgen@gmail.com


Episode 100: A Conversation with our High School Selves


Episode 98: New CoHost Introduction- Meet Sandra